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Monday 9:00 - 12:00 12:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 9:00 - 12:00 12:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 9:00 - 12:00 12:30 - 17:00
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Aš Christmas again after one year

Aš Christmas again after one year

Experience true winter fun in the westernmost corner of the country

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Snowy Aš region invites you to a joyful Advent

While walking through the forest of the Halštrov Nature Park, it is possible to notice an initially inconspicuous rock massif. On closer inspection, it becomes clear that this quartzite formation is not just any stone, but a 400 m long rock band. The rock, covered with juniper and pine trees, provides a cosy resting place and a soothing view of the local forest. It is no wonder that the famous playwright and poet J.W. Goethe was fond of this place, and he certainly contemplated, wrote and ate his lunch here on more than one occasion. It is after him that this natural monument takes its name.

The Goethe Rocks range in height from 5 to 30 metres. This provides excellent conditions for climbing. The rocky ridge is divided into 11 rock formations named Main Tower, Bivouac, Birch, Triple, Valcha, Quartz, Shadow, Rhino, Big Cave, Hrouda and Forgotten. On all the crags, local climbers have discovered and marked more than 100 routes to climb, including so-called boulders for beginners, advanced and experienced climbers. A fixed belay with the possibility of self belaying makes it possible to climb to all the peaks of the Goeth Rocks, and the area is also marked with two-colour route ascent markers. The excited climber will notice red arrows marking the start of the classic routes and blue arrows indicating the start of the bouldering routes.

Traditionelles Adventsprogramm wird durch neue Erlebnisse ergänzt

A local climbing guide reveals all the more than 100 routes to the 11 peaks of the Goeth Rocks. It is available in printed form at the Aš information centre.

The brochure was published by the local traditional mountaineering group Alpin Club Aš.

Price 140 CZK

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